Well well well..
look what shows up among talk..
the fb tactic of butterin up..
the breakin of..what keeps coming..
like a train still runnin..
wearing flesh that looks the same...seeing eyes..
Dawg..what remains..
(the relative).. OHHHHHHHH
shit decides it's best..they work as a team..
family.. yeah, i see the whole picture,
the bone continues 2 carry me through..
what still wants me and my goods..
misses me what gave her my credit cards my
whining and good timing.. my bedroom..action,
said, whats too small...
lights, camera..now becomes a movie..
on the pages of facebook..
yeah ..thats me..you got it...what u think..
a heart & it's accomplice..
hangs in there. then..departs...Instead..
galavance, so scandalist,
i gonna have some fun with this ,
in the process 2 eliminate
the one person that took words as my feed..
ate every bit of my food ..in reach..
where knowledge now has a conscience..
GANGS up..In filtration..ammunition..
what speaks...Business of mine..
what the hell is this going on..
Sisterly love, NoW. tries 2 make up...
ShIt..lololol.... GuEsS wHaT...ya did...
dIdN't ya??? *OHHHHHH hell...
U DiDn't..no more WoRdSoNgS...
Chow wit this. all BS..be at Peace.. keep smiling at ..
who laughs Last..betta take another...
look..I know . I SAW..
comfirmed by YOU.. shAYLa...
TWisTeD..Me...like I said b4...
It's what u do to urself that puts things
BaC IN2 mOtiOn...YA oPeN It ..
It's U nOt hEr.. She won...
I gOt A mOuTh fulllllllllllllll.. of ..the truth..
don't wanna b ya, gotta go!!!!..L R...
mY eNeRgY Is nEeDeD SoMeOnE eLEs..
Pleaseeeeee..EnUfF iS eNuFf..it's me..not u THANKS 4
THE MEMORIES..I really LUV U Partner..
God bless..Be happy...CrEaTe..2009/ NoVeMbEr, 12
and thats the truth..