Wednesday, December 9, 2009

once more w/ feelin

Lord..I ache so bad..
inside my extremities of heartship..
what gave way 2 a love so deep..I had
no control of my pain in constant weakness..
feelin stomach filled w/butterflies
dancing to the tone of..where is the love..
how do I make it through another pound in my head
the trauma searches for..
who brought me out of living sad..
what grabbed me close..
with words 2 confessed..left warning signs of ignorence..
stories of many times must I be the smile..
before what can't see..the touch...
i'll never become..the miscalculated risk..
showing me..ur not what he wants..he feels..
he admires as his woman..the subject of times spent..
what laughed.. b a friends so carefree..
single.. taking baby steps to maturity...
how I am feeling like comments..missing the point,
not getting it..
not excepting words that has no baring
on us at all
didn't he I felt...
what it meant..making a woman feel like a gem..
shining so bright..the gliiter lovely Iam..
he took notice..
said..hey, what' ya doing..ur ok..
just the mention of his name.
.gave me goose pimples...
where my heart raced...melted like a stick of butta..
without the heat..
he made me feel so good from far away...
thats all she wrote..the end ...Create

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