Wednesday, December 30, 2009

1,500-year-old girl is reconstructed - INSIDE JoongAng Daily

1,500-year-old girl is reconstructed -

"The work revealed that the four people -

two women and two men -

died in the early sixth century,

either due to suffocation or poisoning.

Their main diet had been rice, barley and beans as

well as meat.

The girl’s age was estimated

through an examination

of her teeth. She apparently spent much time

kneeled down and engaged

in the repetitious

task of cutting something with her teeth,

according to the medical evaluation.

She was wearing a golden

earring and is believed to

have been a maid, not a slave.

The restored model of the girl will be on display

at the museum in downtown Seoul

until this Sunday. From Dec. 1 until 6,

it will be showcased at the

Changnyeong Museum in Changnyeong."

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